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Adopted at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Association
Revised at the 13th Annual Meeting
Revised at the 25th Annual Meeting
Revised at the 28th Annual Meeting
Revised at the 30th Annual Meeting
Revised at the 41st Annual Meeting
Revised at the 53rd Annual Meeting
Revised at the 63rd Annual Meeting
Revised at the 64th Annual Meeting
The name of the organization, an unincorporated association, shall be the “UTAH MOSQUITO ABATEMENT ASSOCIATION,” also known as “UMAA.”
The objectives and purposes of the Association shall be to promote close cooperation among those concerned with, or interested in mosquito control and related work, to increase the knowledge and advance the cause of mosquito abatement in an efficient and effective manner compatible with the goals of a sound environment.
The Association may also encourage and undertake such other insect control problems as the Association may determine.
Agency Members
Agency Members shall be any active dues paying mosquito abatement program supported with an annual budget from public funds.
Board of Directors
The Elective Officers, Directors, Honorary Members and the Executive Director shall constitute the Board of Directors.
Contributing Members
Contributing Members shall be any dues paying commercial or other organization that desires affiliation with the Association subject to Section B of Article IV.
They must also appoint a representative who will be allowed to vote at the Annual Meeting and the Annual Business Meeting.
A Designee must be an employee or a trustee of Agency Members.
No Designee may be made for Honorary Members.
One representative shall be appointed by the governing body of each Agency Member to serve on the Board of Directors.
These representatives will be known as Directors.
Elective Officers
The Elective Officers of the Association shall be the President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Past-President and a Secretary/Treasurer.
Executive Director
Non-voting member of the Board of Directors.
Honorary Members
Honorary Members shall be any individual who has performed outstanding service in the interest of mosquito abatement and who has been elected to Honorary Membership for life by two-thirds of the Board of Directors at any Association meeting of the Board of Directors at which a quorum is present.
They are also part of the Board of Directors for life.
Individual Members
Individual Members shall be any dues paying person interested in or concerned with mosquito abatement who desires affiliation with the Association subject to Section B of Article IV.
“Present” to a meeting
Members will be considered present if they are physically present at the meeting or participating through electronic means.
Regular Members
Regular Members shall consist of two categories. Agency Members and Individual Members.
Section A.
The membership of the Association shall consist of three classes: Regular Members, Contributing Members, and Honorary Members.
Section B. Approval of Membership.
All applications for membership shall be subject to approval by a two-third majority of the Board of Directors at any Association meeting of the Board of Directors at which a quorum is present.
Section A.
The Nominating Committee shall determine its nominees for Elective Officers of the Association. It shall present the names of the nominees selected in the opening session of the Annual Meeting of the Association (Art. VII.B).
Nomination(s) may come from any members during the Plenary session.
Election of officers will be conducted at the Annual Business Meeting (Art. VII.B).
Section B.
Officers of the Association shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors at the Annual Business Meeting of the Association where a quorum is present (Art. IX), and shall serve until the next Annual Meeting.
Section C.
The Executive Director shall be appointed at the discretion of the Board of Directors by a simple majority vote.
Section A. Duties of the President.
1. Preside at all meetings of the Association;
2. Maintain and exercise general supervision over the affairs of the Association, subject to the authority of the Board of Directors;
3. Discharge such other duties as usually pertain to the office of President;
4. Appoint members of the standing committees with consent and approval of the Board of Directors at the first Board of Directors meeting during his term of office (in November);
5. In the absence of the Secretary/Treasurer, sign checks to pay for bills approved by the Board of Directors.
Section B. Duties of the President-Elect.
1. Exercise the powers and perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President;
2. Serve as the Chairman of the Program Committee.
Section C. Duties of the Vice-President.
1. Assist the President and the President-Elect with the duties of these offices as directed;
2. Serve as the Chairman of the Policy, Finance, and Bylaws Committee;
3. Serve as the Chairman of the Auditing Committee.
Section D. Duties of Past-President.
1. Serve as the Chairman of the Awards Committee;
2. Serve as the Chairman of the Nominating Committee.
Section E. Duties of the Secretary/Treasurer.
1. Keep full and accurate minutes of all meetings of the Association;
2. Be responsible for the maintenance of all membership records;
3. Conduct the correspondence of the Association;
4. Issue all notices of meetings;
5. Prepare Board of Directors Meeting’s agendas under the direction of the President;
6. Collect and receipt for all dues, assessments and other incomes;
7. Deposit promptly all funds of the Association in such depositories as shall be approved and designated by the Board of Directors;
8. Sign checks in payment of obligations of the association. May also pay bills “online” if that option is available;
9. Pay all bills and make such other disbursements as are necessary and incidental to the operations of the Association as approved by the Board of Directors;
10. Prepare monthly financial statements of the financial condition of the Association that will be presented at the monthly Board of Directors’ Meetings and the Annual Business Meeting;
11. Perform other duties as are usually incident to the office of Secretary/Treasurer and as assigned by the Board of Directors;
12. Prepare and manage UMAA Annual Meeting registrations.
Section F. Duties of the Board of Directors.
1. Fill any vacancy among the Elective Officers of the Association;
2. Appoint other committees as is necessary or useful in conducting the business of the Association;
3. Prescribe the duties of officers of the Association not otherwise prescribed in the Constitution of the Association;
4. Prescribe rules and regulations for the conduct of the affairs of the Association, as are not consistent with the provisions of the Constitution of the Association;
5. Determine the number and price of each publication which shall be distributed to the members of the Association, and to others; to approve lists of non-members who may receive publications without charge;
6. Accept or reject applications for memberships in the Association (Art. IV. B), prescribe rules and procedures in relation thereto.
Section G. Duties of the Executive Director.
1. Coordinate the content of the Annual Meeting with the Program Committee;
2. Coordinate with the Local Arrangements Committee hotel requirements associated with the Annual Meeting;
3. Aid in the promotion of the Annual Meeting and obtain commercial exhibitors participation;
4. Serve with officers and Directors to promote the Association to various Local, State, and Federal agencies regarding environmental concerns and issues;
5. Monitor and work with the Legislative & Resolutions Committee on matters that impact mosquito control which come before the State Legislature;
6. Coordinate the bidding for chemicals for the Association;
7. Represent the Association at the Annual Meetings of the American Mosquito Control Association and the Mosquito & Vector Control Association of California, and any other meetings, which the Board of Directors may deem necessary;
8. Assist in the development and coordination of the annual workshop;
9. As editor is responsible for working with the Publications Committee and Webmaster to publish an electronic (digital) Association newsletter semiannually and additional issues as may be deemed necessary;
10. Submit an Annual Report (short verbal summary) during the Annual Business Meeting;
11. Serve as ex officio on all standing committees;
12. Discharge such other duties as the Board of Directors may direct.
Section A.
A monthly Board of Directors meeting shall be held once during each month, when there is sufficient Association business to warrant such a meeting.
The nature of this meeting is to discuss and conduct the business of the Association and discuss any items of an operational nature.
The time and place for these meetings shall be designated by the Board of Directors during the first monthly Board of Directors meeting after the Annual Meeting. The schedule of meetings may be changed as needed throughout the year.
Although it would be preferable that the majority of the Board Members participating in the meeting be physically present at the time of the meeting, those who wish to attend via electronic means may do so with all privileges as if physically present, including the ability to vote and be counted as part of the quorum.
Section B.
There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Association, for the presentation of papers and discussions on mosquito abatement and related subjects, and such other business as may be properly considered.
Such meetings shall be held at such times and places, as the Board of Directors shall prescribe.
At the conclusion of the Annual Meeting, an Annual Business Meeting will be held for the purpose of electing new officers and conducting any other pertinent business.
Section C.
Special Meetings of the Association may be held whenever the Board of Directors deems such meetings necessary.
The Board of Directors shall designate a time and place for such Special Meetings.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall give written or electronic notices of all special meetings of the Association to all members at least seven (7) days prior to the date of such special meetings.
Section A.
The standing committees of the Association shall be:
Awards / Nominating,
Encephalitis Surveillance Program,
Information Technology,
Legislative & Resolutions,
Local Arrangements for Annual Meeting,
Policy, Finance and Bylaws,
Public Relations,
Mosquito Control-Fish & Wildlife Management,
UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System)
1. All standing committees, except the Nominating Committee and Newsletter, shall consist of at least three (3) members.
2. The Nominating Committee will consist of five (5) members, one of which shall be the immediate Past-President.
Section A. Monthly Board of Directors Meeting.
1. Only current members of the Board of Directors or their Designee(s) shall be eligible to vote. A list of the Designee(s) for each Agency Member must be provided to the Secretary/Treasurer at the Annual Meeting or at any monthly meeting. For a Designee to be eligible to vote, his (her) name must have been provided at least one meeting before a potential attending.
2. Each member of the Board of Directors shall have only one vote.
3. A quorum shall exist when at least ten (10) members of the Board of Directors are present.
4. No members of the Board of Directors can be counted twice toward the quorum.
Section B. Annual Meeting and Annual Business Meeting.
1. Members of the Board of Directors, Individual Members and Contributing Members, shall each have one vote.
2. A quorum shall exist when at least ten (10) of the people named in Article IX.B.1. are present.
Section C. Special Meetings.
1. Only current members of the Board of Directors or their Designee(s) shall be eligible to vote.
2. Each Member of the Board of Directors shall have only one vote.
3. A quorum shall exist when at least ten (10) of the people named in Article IX.C.2. are present.
President: If a vacancy occurs in this office during the year, this office will be filled by the President-Elect.
President-Elect: If a vacancy occurs in this office during the year, this office will be filled by the Vice-President.
Vice-President: If a vacancy occurs before August 1 of any year, the President will instruct the Nominating Committee to select one nominee. The Chairman of the Nominating Committee will report this selection to the Board of Directors, the nominee will be officially declared to be the Vice-President.
If the Board of Directors should reject the proposed nominee, the Nominating Committee will select another nominee and continue this procedure if necessary until one is approved by the Board of Directors.
If the vacancy occurs after August 1, the President and the President-Elect will assume the duties of the Vice-President.
Section A. Don M. Rees Memorial Award.
This award is presented to individuals who:
1. Have made significant contributions to mosquito control in Utah and the Utah Mosquito Abatement Association.
2. Have significantly contributed to our knowledge of mosquitoes in ways that have improved control procedures and reduced the threat to human health.
3. Recipients of this award become automatically Honorary Members and members of the Board of Directors for life.
Section B. Glen C. Collett Meritorious Service Award.
This award is presented to individuals who have distinguished themselves in administrative or technical service to mosquito control in Utah.
Section C.
1. Any member of the Association may make nominations for these awards. Nominations will be reviewed by the Awards Committee who will make recommendations to the Board of Directors. Candidates must receive approval by a two-third majority of the Board of Directors at any Association meeting of the Board of Directors at which a quorum is present.
2. Presentations will be made at the Annual Meeting of the Association.
3. The Awards Committee will be appointed by the incoming President of the Association and will consist of three members in good standing each year. The Chairperson will be the immediate Past-President.
4. The Awards Committee must make its recommendations at a monthly Board of Directors meeting at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting.
Section D. Scholarships
Dickson Nielsen Student Scholarship
1. This scholarship was created to honor the contributions of Dr. Sammie L. Dickson (Salt Lake City Mosquito Abatement District) and the late Dr. Lewis T. Nielsen (University of Utah), to the understanding of the biology, ecology, and control of mosquitoes and other arthropod pests and disease vectors, and for their dedicated support and growth in the development of the Utah Mosquito Abatement Association (UMAA). The scholarship is intended to promote and recognize the mosquito related research of students attending a college/university anywhere in the United States.
2. SCHOLARSHIP AMOUNT: One $2,500 scholarship will be awarded annually.
3. CRITERIA: The Dickson-Nielsen Scholarship will go to a graduate or undergraduate student, whose work is in an area relevant to entomology and
vector biology, ecology, epidemiology, arbrovirology, surveillance, or control. The applicant must be a full-time matriculating student in an accredited
program, or one transitioning from high school to college/university or from an undergraduate to graduate program. Applicants with strong ties to local mosquito abatement districts (seasonal employees) and/or those conducting research regarding mosquitoes and other vectors within the state of Utah will be given a higher priority.
4. PROCEDURE: Applicant must complete the UMAA Dickson-Nielsen scholarship application form; submit a statement of research or purpose in two pages or less; include a curriculum vitae/resume; and provide a letter of recommendation from a college/university advisor or manager/director of a mosquito abatement district. Application packet must be received by the Chair of the UMAA Awards Committee no later than 5:00 pm on 30 September of each year.
5. JUDGING AND AWARD: The recipient of the award will be chosen by the UMAA Awards Committee and recommended to the Board of Directors for final approval. The recipient will be presented a scholarship check at the annual meeting of the UMAA. 7* Words in italic in the course of the text are defined in the Article III.
6. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE RECIPIENT: To perform the research or project to the best of their abilities. The recipient will be required to present he results at the annual meeting of the UMAA the following year. Recipient will receive an award plaque upon completion of the presentation the following year. Recipient will acknowledge UMAA in any subsequent publications or presentations stemming from the work.
Section E
Saltgrassroots Travel Award
1. This award recognizes a member of the Utah Mosquito Abatement Association (UMAA) by providing funds to assist in attendance and participation at the annual conference of the American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA).
2. AWARD AMOUNT: One $1,500 award will be granted annually.
3. CRITERIA: The UMAA Saltgrassroots Travel Award will be provided to an active member of the UMAA within a mosquito abatement association or related organization (academia, local/county/state public health or related field). The recipient must be active in the field of mosquito biology, ecology, epidemiology, virology, surveillance, or control. The $1,500 award is intended to offset costs associated with national meeting attendance.
Recipient is highly encouraged to participate in the meeting by providing a presentation or poster. Agencies providing matching funds to the recipient within the state of Utah will be given a higher priority.
4. PROCEDURE: Applicant must complete the UMAA Saltgrassroots Award application form, submit a statement of purpose in two pages or less, and provide a letter of recommendation from a supervisor, board of director, and/or colleague. Application packet must be received by the Chair of the UMAA Awards Committee no later than 5:00 pm on 30 September of each year.
5. JUDGING AND AWARD: The recipient of the award will be chosen by the UMAA Awards Committee and recommended to the Board of Directors or final approval. The recipient will be presented an award check after attendance at the AMCA national meetings.
6. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE RECIPIENT: The recipient is highly encouraged to actively participate at the national AMCA meetings through providing a presentation or poster and/or volunteering on various committees. Recipient will receive an award plaque after attendance at he AMCA national meetings, which will be presented at the following UMAA annual meeting. Recipient will acknowledge UMAA in any presentations or posters at the AMCA national meetings.
Section A. The Association shall publish proceedings of the Annual Meeting.
The report may contain the papers, proceedings, and business transacted at the Annual Meeting. It may also include any other matter deemed by the Board of Directors to be essential to the general welfare.
Section B. Editors.
1. The Board of Directors shall appoint official editors for all publications.
2. The Executive Director will serve as editor of the newsletter unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors.
3. The Proceedings editor shall publish and distribute the Proceedings of the Association’s Annual Meeting with the aid of the Publication Committee.
In the absence of rules in this Constitution of the Association, the proceedings of the Board of Directors' meetings as well as the Association’s meetings shall be conducted in accordance with established parliamentary procedure.
This Constitution may be amended at any Annual Business Meeting of the Association at which there is a quorum, by a two-third majority vote of the members present.
The Chairman of the Policy, Finance, and Bylaws Committee shall provide a copy of the proposed changes to the Board of Directors at least thirty days prior to the Annual Business Meeting of the Association.
Section A.
The revenues of the Association will be derived from dues paid by members, from the sale of publications, donations, sponsorships and contributions, and from such other sources as may be approved by the Board of Directors.
Section B.
The dues for members shall be established annually by the Board of Directors of the Association.
Members shall be notified by November 1st following the Annual Meeting of any changes in the amount of dues from those assessed the previous year and approved by the Board of Directors.
Dues shall cover membership from January 1st to December 31st.
Except by the specific direction of the Board of Directors under their personal individual financial responsibility, no debt or other financial obligation of this Association shall be incurred by this Association beyond the amount of the funds (over and above all liabilities) then in the hands of the Secretary/Treasurer.
Utah Mosquito
Abatement Association
Individuals and Organizations Devoted to Enhancing the Health and Quality of Life through the Suppression of Mosquitoes